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A Brief Discussion and Recommendation Concerning Music and Nature

by Ou, WenWei

I wish to take this opportunity to discuss my understanding of music and offer a recommendation.

I believe the oldest and most basic music is natural music: the sounds coming from nature.  They are the most natural and direct.  For example: the sounds of a child laughing, a child crying; sounds of the wind, rain, thunder, ocean waves; in addition, all sounds made by animals, such as beasts, birds, and insects.

All of these sounds are the spontaneous expression of things in nature under certain conditions, revealing their hidden meaning and feelings.  Therefore, they seem to be the most truthful and the purest and to convey the strongest feelings.  Some of these sounds are very nice, comfortable, enjoyable to the ear; whereas others are shocking and frightening when you hear them.

If you are sitting near a small, peaceful stream, listening to the running water, every now and then hearing also the singing of a bird or some other noisemaker, you will probably feel very peaceful yourself, comfortable, relaxed, enjoying yourself.  This is because you know that these happy and harmonious sounds are transmitting a message of kindness and benevolence.  The objects producing these sounds are definitely not harming any life but only composing a living environment of harmony and beauty.

When you hear the sounds from an earthquake—an avalanche, tidal waves—you will be terrified.  This is because these sounds are transmitting a message of evil; the objects making the sounds can devour all life.

It can be said that all different sounds in nature can give people corresponding inspirations.  They influence everyone’s emotions and physical bodies.

In great nature, there exists one common phenomenon.  Different environments will form different types of sound.  Therefore, people living in different regions will create distinctive music.  The music that people create was originally learned from nature.  In other words, when ancient people created music, they were beginning to form an understanding of the meaning of great nature’s sounds; they worked hard to imitate these meanings during their performances.  This is the origin of mankind’s music.

From this we can see that the soul, or essence, of music is based on presenting the inner meaning.  Let’s put it in language that we can understand: the emphasis is on presenting the meaning of inner feelings and profound sentiments.

Ancient people said, “People have seven emotions and six kinds of desire.  The seven are: happiness, anger, sorrow, joy, love, hate, and fear.”

I believe: People’s complex emotions can be present in their sounds or present in music.  Different emotions yield different results.  The expression of divine love, benevolence, happiness, and joy will definitely make oneself happy and entertain others.  Hate, anger, sorrow, fear only harm oneself and others.  Therefore, I recommend musical melodies that make oneself happy and entertain others.  All the songs I compose are based on calmness and peacefulness, with “have more love, less hate” as the theme, emphasizing the expression of the love of great nature and the love of humanity.

A sound wave is energy.  It is also an intelligible message.  Sound waves based on kindness and benevolence naturally include the energy of kindness and benevolence and messages of kindness and benevolence.  Transmitting an intelligible message of kindness and benevolence to other people definitely bestows positive benefits on their bodies and their hearts.          

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